Home Huntfield

Meconopsis ‘Huntfield’
George Sherriff Group   MG No 4
Named and registered by The Meconopsis Group, 2002.
Award  AM (2005)

Young leaves showing red-purple pigmentation.

Mature green basal leaf showing serrate-dentate margin.

Young fruit capsule.

Flower showing overlapping petals, slender style and prominent stigma. AJ.

Meconopsis 'Huntfield' was purchased by Allan Jamieson at a garden opening at Huntfield House, a former home of the McCosh family, well before 1998. It is a strongly growing cultivar of garden origin with an affinity to M. gakyidiana. It is similar to Meconopsis 'Dalemain'. Some growers find that this robust clone produces many offsets.


The flowers appear in late May to early June. Between two and four blue, mauve-blue or purple-blue flowers arise from the false whorl. Often there are more flowers in the uppermost leaf axils. The sideways facing flowers are saucer shaped. The overlapping petals are ovate with a slightly undulating margin.

The fruit capsule is ellipsoidal and covered with pale straw-coloured bristles. The style is long with a prominent stigma. This clone is sterile so there are no seeds inside the fruit capsule.

The broad leaves of the emerging foliage have a red-purple pigmentation and are covered with short, straw-coloured hairs. The mature foliage is green. The petioles are long and the leaf margins have many serrate-dentate teeth. They are covered in white-tipped hairs.

Meconopsis 'Huntfield' is a vigorous clone widely available from nurseries.

Clump of Meconopsis ‘Huntfield’. AJ.

Blue to mauve flowers emerging from false whorl. AJ.

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