Home Barney's Blue

Meconopsis ‘Barney's Blue’
George Sherriff Group   MG No 7
Named by I. Christie, 2005. Registered by The Meconopsis Group, 2005.
Award  AM (2005)

Early young leaves covered with dense pale ginger hairs.

Pale green leaves showing a long petiole and even teeth along the edge.

Cupped flowers showing the changing colours.

The ellipsoidal fruit capsule.

Meconopsis 'Barney's Blue' is a distinctive cultivar with cupped flowers that are a deep magenta purple when they first open, gradually changing to mauve-blue and finally to a clear mid blue. Flowers of different colours are often found on the same plant. Generally the flowers are smaller than those of other George Sherriff Group cultivars. In addition the leaves tend to emerge later than those of other members of the Group.

This cultivar was found in the garden at Ascreavie House, the former home of George and Betty Sherriff, long after their demise and was named after Barney Baron, a later owner of the house and garden. It is probably a hybrid of garden origin.


There are 3 to 5 deeply cupped flowers coming from the false whorl which are deep magenta purple at first, changing through various shades of mauve blue until they are a clear blue. The flowers turn upwards as they age. The four petals are rounded. There are more buds in the upper leaf axils.

The fruit capsule is narrowly ellipsoidal and covered with pale ginger bristles. There is a prominent rounded stigma. The plant is sterile.

The emerging young leaves are a pale green and covered with dense pale ginger hairs. They do not have the red -purple pigmentation of other members of this group.

The leaves remain pale green as they mature. They have a long petiole and even teeth along the leaf margin.

Meconopsis 'Barney's Blue' is available from specialist nurseries.

Mature clump of leaves.

Large clump of Meconopsis 'Barney's Blue'.

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