M. 'Bryan Conway'
A cultivar of garden origin, probably a hybrid of M. grandis subsp. grandis and M. baileyi. This cultivar can be difficult to maintain but its flowers have an attractive frilly, ruffled appearance.
MG Rating: ★★   
Named by: The Meconopsis Group, 2005. Registered by: The Meconopsis Group, 2005.
Flowering: May-early June. Sky blue, half-nodding, bowl-shaped flowers with narrow non-overlapping petals which are ruffled at their margins. The petals are elliptic or slightly obovate.
Emerging foliage: The emerging leaves do not have any red-purple pigmentation and tend to spread. Their elliptic blades are narrow and densely covered with long pale straw-coloured white tipped hairs. Leaf base narrowly cuneate to broadly attenuate, apex acute.
Mature foliage: Basal leaves spreading on long slender petioles. Blades lanceolate, long and narrow with shallow serrulate teeth on their margins.
Fruit capsule: Ellipsoid, long, narrow and densely covered with straw coloured slightly reflexed bristles. Long slender style with a narrow stigma. Infertile.
Etymology: Unnamed plants of this cultivar were given to The Meconopsis Group naming trial by three different donors and after the plants were shown to be the same, but distinct, the cultivar was named after one of the donors, the late Bryan Conway.