M. grandis × regia 'James Cobb'
M. grandis x M. regia. A soundly perennial plant with large creamy-yellow flowers. Sterile but readily propagated by division. It does not flower reliably each year.
Hybridised by: J. Cobb, pre-1984. First flowered by: J. Cobb.
Named by: E. Stevens, 2015. Registered by: E. Stevens, 2015.
Flowering: mid-May to mid-June. Large half-nodding, creamy yellow flowers arising both from the false whorl and from the axils of some of the upper stem leaves. The flowers have 4 to 6 long, narrowly elliptical, undulate petals which are only partially overlapping in their lower half.
Emerging foliage: Evergreen rosettes of pale green densely hairy leaves.
Mature foliage: The mature elliptic-oblong basal leaves are petiolate and their margins are jaggedly incised with deep, rounded serrate teeth.
Etymology: Named after its raiser.