M. 'Dorothy Renton'
A tall leafy cultivar of garden origin with shallowly bowl-shaped flowers that often have a distinctive pinkish sky-blue hue.
MG Rating: ★★★★   
Named by: The Meconopsis Group, 2005. Registered by: The Meconopsis Group, 2005.
Flowering: May-June. Sky-blue to pinkish blue, shallowly bowl-shaped, lateral facing flowers. Petals rounded to broadly ovate, overlapping in their lower half.
Emerging foliage: Late emerging firm upright leaves on short petioles tinged with a slight red-purple pigmentation on the lower surfaces.
Mature foliage: The basal leaves are ascending and only slightly spreading. The elliptic or lanceolate blades held on long petioles are shortly attenuate at the leaf base with an acute apex. The leaf margins are irregularly serrated with numerous small teeth.
Fruit capsule: Ellipsoid, densely covered with short ascending straw-coloured bristles. Broad style and a prominent broad stigma. Sterile.
Etymology: Sourced in 2003 from Branklyn Garden, Perth where it had been growing for many years. It was given the name Dorothy Renton in memory of one of the garden’s creators.