M. 'Evelyn'
A very distinctive cultivar with deep blue flowers. Late-flowering, sturdy and of medium stature.
MG Rating: ★★★   Awards: PC (2011)
Introduced by: I. Christie. Named by: The Meconopsis Group, 2009.
Registered by: The Meconopsis Group, 2009.
Flowering: late May-mid July. Deep blue to violet-blue, lateral facing, bowl shaped flowers. The broadly ovate petals are frilled and overlap extensively.
Emerging foliage: The late emerging, ascending, stiff, thick textured leaves are densely covered with furry deep red-brown hairs. The leaf margins and midribs are initially suffused with a red-brown pigmentation.
Mature foliage: The basal leaves are broadly elliptic with a shortly attenuate base and sub-acute apex, their margins notched with serrate teeth.
Fruit capsule: Ellipsoid and covered with pale straw-coloured bristles. Long style. Partially fertile.
Etymology: Named after Evelyn Stevens, one of the co-founders of The Meconopsis Group. The background of the cultivar is unknown.