M. 'Louise' (Fertile Blue Group)
A distinctive selection from ‘Lingholm’ which is only partially fertile and should be maintained by division. The flowers are pale sky-blue and flat faced.
MG Rating: ★★★   
Named by: L. Newby, 1999. Registered by: The Meconopsis Group, 2007.
Flowering: mid-May to June. Pale sky-blue, half-nodding to lateral facing, flat-faced flowers which look almost square, particularly when viewed from the rear. Their overlapping petals are broad and roundly ovate, slightly fluted and with an undulate edge. Two to four flowers usually form on short pedicels from the false whorl of each stem but one or two other flowers may come later from the upper leaf axils.
Emerging foliage: Ascending and broadly lanceolate on short sturdy petioles. The young leaves are slightly suffused with a red-purple pigmentation and are densely covered with long, pale brown, white-tipped hairs.
Mature foliage: The mature basal leaves are long-petioled, the lamina elliptic-oblong with a shortly attenuate base and a sub-acute to sub-obtuse apex. The leaf margins are regularly and shallowly notched with small serrate teeth.
Fruit capsule: Narrowly ellipsoid and densely covered with pale straw white-tipped bristles. Long narrow style topped with a prominent rounded stigma. Rarely produces viable seed.
Etymology: Les Newby named this cultivar after his granddaughter.