M. 'Ascreavie White'
A cultivar of garden origin related to M. gakyidiana.
Named by: E. Stevens, 2015. Registered by: E. Stevens, 2015.
Flowering: mid-May to early June. White flowers with a nodding or semi-nodding aspect. The pedicels elongate significantly as the flowers mature and the fruit capsules develop. Petals ovate with waved erose margins, overlapping at their base to form a cup-shaped flower.
Emerging foliage: Early emerging erect leaves without any red-purple pigmentation but densely covered with long straw-coloured hairs with white tips.
Mature foliage: The mature basal leaves have long petioles and elliptic blades, their upper margins incised with several coarse uneven serrate-dentate teeth. Leaf tips acute, leaf base attenuate.
Fruit capsule: Long and narrowly ellipsoid. Densely covered with reflexed bristles. Narrow style. Sterile.
Etymology: Named ‘Ascreavie White’ after the garden in which it has been grown for many years and where it was photographed in 1969. It was sourced from Ascreavie and submitted to The Meconopsis Group naming trial by I. Christie in 2000.