M. grandis 'Edrom White'
A white flowered cultivar of medium height (60cm tall in flower) which shows many of the characteristics of M. grandis subsp. grandis but is probably a hybrid of garden origin. It is believed to be sterile.
Named by: Edrom Nurseries, 2015. Registered by: E. Stevens, 2015.
Flowering: mid-May to early June. Stems may develop up to four white flowers on pedicels arising from the false whorl of leaves at the apex of the stem. The flowers are open saucer-shaped and lateral facing to semi-nodding. Their petals are ovate-oval in shape with a very crinkled and undulate margin.
Emerging foliage: Ascending pale green leaves covered with pale short hairs.
Mature foliage: Initially ascending but later spreading as the outer basal leaves mature. The basal leaves have elliptical to oblanceolate blades on petioles of medium length. The leaf base is attenuate and the apex acute, the upper leaf margins are sparingly and coarsely notched with a few serrate teeth.
Fruit capsule: Narrowly ellipsoid, covered with long straw-coloured spreading bristles except on the sutures. Long narrow style and a stigma.
Etymology: This cultivar was previously listed by Edrom Nurseries in their catalogue as M. grandis 'Alba' and has possibly been grown for many years under that name.